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Talent as a Service - The Latest Talent Acquisition Model

A few years ago, you may have wondered if you would ever consider PaaS, IaaS, or SaaS solutions at your company. Today, if you haven't already adopted at least one, it might become just a matter of when. While striving to keep up with the technology trends which acquires most of our attention, the socio-economic environment of the individuals, at the core of using or running these advanced technologies, is also changing. That is where a TaaS platform falls naturally in place, a child of the marriage between the platform-economy and the gig-economy.

If still don't see this coming, did you see any of these names coming? Uber (a platform + car space = rides), Airbnb (a platform + property space = travel accommodations), or Alibaba and Amazon (a platform + suppliers = Area(s) of Service). These platforms developed scale, with the magic word – "global". TaaS is a platform + talent = service delivery, at virtually no risk to you, (client and specialist), as the platform owner assumes all risks (e.g. anything not working about an Uber ride, Uber takes care of it).

TaaS thrives on business' infrastructural advancements (e.g. increasing internet usage and speeds, mobile device usage, etc.), business' workplace adaptations (e.g. increasing appetite for online meetings, remote work, etc.), business' legal restrictions (e.g. restrictions of foreign labor intake, encouraging nationalization of labor, etc.), and workforce change (e.g. demand for flexible hours and work-from-home, increased freelancing and displeasure with office politics, etc.).


We are a Canada-based company exclusively specializing in technology consulting and advisory services. Our vision is that hiring managers build networks of on-demand specialists readily available to fulfill service needs, and similarly these specialists create networks of clients, to fulfill on their livelihood. Our mission is to facilitate and promote such networks to make lives easy, both at work and at home.


We are both acting and veteran managers and specialists in your field.

Better Match

Local and remote specialists in your industry. Charge-rate and availability posted.

Quick Start

Instant top-10 match. Find and hire in 2 days, not 3 weeks. Self-driven and 24/7.

Lower Costs

Negotiate directly with specialists. No middleman. Flex-hiring. Save up-to 75%.



Simple, fast, and engaging is key to 60Talent's networks of ease!

60Talent post icon


Describe and post your task. We instantly match you with the right specialists (further filtered by charge-rates, delivery mode, SLAs…etc.)

60Talent Hire


Pick your specialist, interview on the platform, and extend an offer outlining your engagement and delivery terms.

60Talent Manage


Work together on your premises or remotely via the platform or VPN access. Track progress and deliverables online via the platform.

60Talent Pay


Approve the delivered work, pay the specialists and rate them.


60Talent Communities


No. They are independent contractors/freelancers who we manage.

It is quite easy, and two dimensional. First, enjoy our free trial on your target talent community (e.g. Oracle), and navigate unlimited specialist profiles. You could get an idea of local and off-shore hiring rates, and even post a service request/job. Second, have your company list 60Talent as a vendor to eventually pay us for the specialist you hired.

Multiple ways. Specialist profiles carry a rating provided by previous hirers. If no rating is available, you interview them just like a regular recruiting cycle. You can also call their references -- there are up to three on their profile. Finally, your payment is released only once you approve the completed job.

First, let's agree that life doesn't stop at a person. True? Second, what happens if that happens to you today? No option really, but to wait on your current vendor for a fill-back, and it could take 2-3 weeks. The good news is, on 60Talent, you hire them in hours, and if needs be, you replace them also in just hours.

Yes. Like most of your vendors, we carry liability insurance. If anything goes south, we step in.

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